How To Wear : The Guerrilla Girls Tote Bag as a Mask!

So this is probably one of the easiest how to's going. There are no tools needed, no IKEA (anxiety o'clock) instruction pamphlets - it's simple: buy this bag and wear it as a mask to your next neighbourly protest!
We designed this bag in direct collaboration with The Guerrilla Girls with just this in mind. Imagine, you just happen to stumble across a protest for women's rights and BOOM you're ready! We went back and forth with samples - face-timing with Kathe from The Guerrilla Girls to make sure the eyes were in the right spot! It was a really fun project and one that keeps giving every time we see a photo of someone wearing their tote bag loud and proud!
With Guerrilla Girls having just exhibited in New York, we thought it was important to share our lovely Gab with her Tote and show you just how AWESOME it is - on and off your head!
Here it is - in five! Purchase yours here.
I know what you're thinking - what if I have stuff in my bag! Why not store all your little bag stuff in a Guerrilla Girls clutch! That way it's easy to get to and you're ready to turn your tote into a mask.
We love collaborating with The Guerrilla Girls, and all of our female artists - their passion and progress is our reason for working! Also, here is a bonus photo of Guerrilla Girl Susan Tyrell wearing her Tote Mask!
Your friendly feminists at Third Drawer Down